Friday, June 24, 2011

100 Day Challenge: Stay Hydrated & Be Positive

Are you up for the challenge?      

10 Days x 10 Challenges = 100 Day to a Healthier You!

So far we are on challenge #5 of Core Sport's 100 Day Challenge.  Let's get you up to speed, now that we're halfway through:

Challenge #4: Drink more water for the next 10 days! (June 9th-18th)

Ideas to keep hydrated:

  • Bring a water bottle with you when you travel or at your desk
  • Drink water before, during and after your workouts
  • Order water every time you dine out
  • Add squeezed lemon or bits of citrus fruit for added flavor
  • Drink hot or cold tea

Try to stay above the line during each bathroom break

Challenge #5: Do 10 positive things per day for 10 days! (June 19th-28th)

Ideas to inspire positive vibes throughout your day:

  • Compliment someone 
  • Tell someone you love & appreciate them
  • Say hello to a stranger/hold a door open
  • Help a neighbor
  • Call an old friend/relative
  • Do chores without being asked (dishes, vacuum, laundry, make a meal, wash the car)
  • Volunteer 

Want to be part of our challenge and track your progress?  It's not too late!  Contact us by e-mail ( for a tally sheet today to start making positive changes toward a more happy, healthy you!

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