Sunday, June 5, 2011

Dynamic vs. Static Stretching

How do you warm up and cool down before a big game or race?  Do you march in place to get your blood pumping (dynamic) or take a forward bend to touch your toes (static)?  You may be surprised, but the type of stretching you  do can effect your overall performance.

Dynamic warm ups are a great way to prepare the whole body for activity!  This is an "active" form of stretching.  Dynamic stretching works to elevate your heart rate, increase core temperature, and prepare the body/mind with functional movements.  Remember, this does not include bouncy or "jerky" movements (otherwise known as ballistic stretching).  Dynamic warm ups help to decrease injury, prepare you to become mentally focused,  increase speed/force, reduce muscle stiffness, and increase fluid to lubricate the joints.  

Static stretching is best used when the body is already warm such as at the end of your cool down.  The main focus is to increase range of motion (ROM).  Make sure you hold static stretches for at least 30 seconds to reap the benefits.

Want to learn more about proper warm up and cool down methods to enhance your performance?

This Summer in both June/July of 2011, Core Sport is hosting Speed & Agility classes @ Canton High School on Tuesdays 7am and Thursdays 9am.  We will teach dynamic warm ups to improve flexibility and mobility.  These workshops are beneficial for any sport or endurance training.  Be sure to visit our Workshops page or Scheduler to sign up you and your kids today!

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