Monday, June 6, 2011

100 Day Challenge: Eat Better & Get Active

Are you up for the challenge?      

10 Days x 10 Challenges = 100 Day to a Healthier You!

So far we are on challenge #3 of Core Sport's 100 Day Challenge.  First let's recap our previous challenges for those who might be behind:

Challenges #1: Eat 10 servings of vegetables each day for the next 10 days!

Ideas to help you get more fiber and green into your diet:

Challenge #2: Minimum 10 minutes of activity each day for 10 days!

Ideas to help you go out and be more active:

  • Walk with family, friends or your dog(s).
  • Take the stairs or park further away
  • Try a new fitness class (Zumba, Bosu, Pilates, TRX, Bootcamp)
  • Play a sport (golf, volleyball, tennis, basketball, horseback riding, skating, biking, swimming, ect.)
  • Garden or do other household chores (yes, vacuuming counts)
  • Play a game (lawn darts, hide and seek, tag, croquet)
  • Go to the zoo, aquarium, or camping

Challenge #3: Eat breakfast if you don’t currently. If you do, challenge yourself to eat small smart snacks every 2-3 hours for 10 days. (May 30th-June 8th)


  • Hard boiled eggs (perfect to grab on the go)
  • Omelets (Athlete's Omelet)
  • Low-fat yogurt (stir in granola, fresh fruit or nuts)
  • Cheese/peanut butter & crackers
  • Banana or plum
  • Rice cakes & apple butter
  • Oatmeal (add honey, cinnamon, or dried fruit)
  • Smoothies (Cherry & Blackberry Smoothie)
Want to be part of our challenge and track your progress?  Contact us by e-mail ( for a tally sheet today to start making positive changes toward a more happy, healthy you!

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