Friday, September 9, 2011

Race to the Finish!

Barefoot running is all the craze lately.  If you don't have the shoes or want to save your ego from wearing them, don't worry.  Here are some exercises to make your feet and calves strong enough to make it through that last mile:
  • Squat Jumps (can add in weights for more resistance)
  • Balance 
    • Yoga poses, Bosu, Walk/Run on grass/sand
  • Dynamic walking:
    • Toes only, Heels only
  • Calf raises: lift on your toes and lower back to the heels
    • Parallel, Heels together toes apart, Big toes together heels apart 

Core Sport is hosting another C25K this year to prep you for the Wicked Halloween Run in Plymouth, MI (costume contest included).  Join us by registering today to learn more tricks to make your next run the fastest yet!

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