Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Golf Fitness

Golfers are athletes.  The more fit you are the better your score can be.  Pros train hard and so should you!  Learn some more exercises to assist in making your swing strong and accurate.

Simple at home exercises
  • Weak hamstrings/glutes (backside):
    • Lift up into a bridge and hold one leg out hip height for up to 20 seconds each side.  This will improve hamstring strength.  (If you get a "charlie horse" this is one you need to work on)    
    • Lift your body up into a bridge.  Activate your glutes by holding up there while you lift the toes than heels, alternating a few times.  
  • Torso rotation (range of motion for your swing):
 Lay on one side of the body to allow your head to rest on the ground with bent knees and elbows (fetal position).  Open your top arm to the opposite wall with a bent elbow and gaze at the ceiling. (Ideally you want to be able to touch the ground with the arm while keeping your hips stacked)  Make sure you repeat on the other side!
    • Lat mobility (prevent rounded shoulders):  
      • Sit back over your heels in a child's pose and flip you hands to face the ceiling.  Try lifting one arm off the ground at a time than both together.  Too difficult?  Place one fist under your forehead to give you more leverage doing one side at a time. (Hint: do the torso rotation exercise from above then repeat this lat one to see improvement)
    Core Sport is here to assist you in your game with our Fall Golf Fitness classes.  We specialize in your needs and can work with your golf pro to make your game the best it can be.  Click here to register now!

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