Friday, August 5, 2011

100 Day Challenge: De-Stress & Eat Healthy

Are you up for the challenge?      

10 Days x 10 Challenges = 100 Day to a Healthier You!

So far we are on challenge #9 of Core Sport's 100 Day Challenge.  We're in the final days of our challenge.  Make sure you are doing your homework:

Challenge #8: Challenge yourself to DE-STRESS!  Take 10 minutes a day to find your  zen and enjoy the little moments in life. (July 19-28th)

Ideas on how to find your inner peace:
  • Journal
  • Do a personal hobby
  • Take a yoga/fitness class
  • Massage/Foam roll
  • Self-reflect
  • Meditate (Free relaxation session)

Challenge #9: Challenge yourself to get 10 servings of fruits and vegetables each day! (July 29th-August 7th)

Attend your local farmer's market, grow your own, or know what's in season before you shop for the best selection. 

Some recipes to help you and your family eat more healthy:

Want to be part of our challenge and track your progress?  There's still time!  Contact us by e-mail ( for a tally sheet today to start making positive changes toward a more happy, healthy you!

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