Thursday, October 27, 2011

Food Labels 101

Learn what is in the food you consume and you are on your way to living a more nutritious lifestyle.  Nutrition labels tell you the facts.

Start at the top: Serving size and how many per container are important.  These are standard sizes used to measure food.  Pay special attention to this, especially when buying beverages.  Your sports drink may contain 2.5 servings.  Instead of 100 calories you may consume 250 calories when drinking the whole bottle.

Stats: Make sure that your calories from fat is less than half of your total calories.  Limit sodium and load up on protein or fiber to make sure you stay full throughout your day.  Vitamins like calcium, vitamin A/B/C, and iron are good, especially if the product includes more than 5% per serving.

Below it all: Another good thing to check is the list of ingredients.  Make sure you are able to read and understand what is in the products you purchase.  The less ingredients the better.  Limit artificial sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup, and dyes.  Make sure there are whole grains or soy, fresh fruits or veggies, and lean meats like fish or turkey.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Standing Posture

Posture is an important part of life.  "Stand up straight, pull in your gut, and push your shoulders back!"  Mom was right in correcting you all those years.  The habit of standing incorrectly can cause long term misalignment.  How do I correct this you ask?  Well, first let's identify what ideal posture looks and feels like!  Take a look at the picture below:

Notice how for good posture the ankles are stacked in line with the knees, in line with the hips, in line with the shoulders, in line with the ears.  This allows the chest to be open and the head to balance on the spine.  The abs are active and scooped inward to the back.  There is equal weight on your big toe, little toe, and heel while you balance (similar to a tripod).

This new found length in the spine helps relieve pressure on your discs.  You body can now work more efficiently.

Benefits of Good Posture:
  • Pain relief (neck, back, hips, feet)
  • Increased range of motion
  • Improves muscle function (burn more calories per day)
  • Improves circulation through body
  • You appear thinner (loose 10lbs in 5secs)
  • Look more confident
Try it today!  Remember: ankles + knees + hips + shoulders + ears

Monday, October 17, 2011

Trick of Treat?

It's pumpkin season!  When carving up your jack-o-lanterns remember to save the seeds which contain important zinc and magnesium.  They also have 5g of protein and fiber per ounce.  For a tasty treat sprinkle 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon/salt and a pinch of chili powder.  Cook in the oven at 325 degrees for about 10mins, cool and enjoy! 

Want a sweeter treat?  Here are some options for candy at the 150 calorie mark, just beware of those tricky fat grams:

3 Peppermint Patties (+3g fat which is healthier than Butterfingers)
3 mini Twix (+8g fat which is healthier than Kit Kats)
6 mini 3 Musketeers (146 cal +4g fat)
2 fun size M&M's (147 cal +7g fat)
6 Dum Dum pops
3 treat size box Nerds
6 rolls of Smarties (healthier than SweeTarts)
7 Hershey kisses (156 +9g fat)
5 snack size strawberry flavored Twizzlers (+1g fat)

Test more treat knowledge and see how health savvy you are!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Parenting Fitness

How do you squeeze in time to workout as a parent?  You are busy with your job, family life, making meals, driving your little ones around, helping with homework and struggling to find time to sleep.  However, adding in small workouts (10-20 minutes) daily can improve your mood and make you a healthy role model for your kids.

With a little one you are the caretaker.  Even if you have family and friends who live nearby to assist there will be days when you are unable to make it to the gym or your fitness class.  When times like this happen go to plan B.  Take the stroller/family pet out for a walk, play tag with the kids, go for a bike ride, swim at the pool, shoot some hoops, dance to some music or do some household chores.

As your kids get older and enter school try to commit to at least one hour away a week to workout.  This gives you time to focus on your goals or try something new.  You may feel guilty at first, but when workouts are schedule and pre-paid you are going to be more successful.  This may mean getting up early, fitting in a walk on your lunch hour or stopping in after work.  Most gyms or studios now have showers which is an added bonus for those parents who are on the go.

Still not able to get time away?  Try to reach 10,000 steps a day (about 5 miles; 100 calories burned on average per mile).  Wear a pedometer and if by the end of the day when the kids are in bed and you need those extra steps you can jump on your treadmill or take the stairs to get to your goal. 

Here are some sample workouts you can fit in on those days you are pressed for time:

  • Full Body: Plank + side plank holds (30secs-2mins each), Push Ups or Burpees
  • Lower Body: Walking Lunges or Squats (add hand weights for resistance), Bridges (single leg version for a challenge)
  • Upper Body: Arm weights (can use soup cans): chest press, biceps, front/side raises, triceps
  • Cardio Circuit: Jumping jacks, jump rope, march in place, grapevine, stairs (30secs-2mins each)

Friday, October 7, 2011

HORP Fundraiser Event

Join Core Sport to help support:

When: Tuesday October 25th, 2011 @6:30-9:30pm
Where: Zin Wine Bar & Restaurant (formerly Grape Expectations)
Cost: $20 door donation

Guest appearances by:  Detroit Lions players
Door prizes
Silent Auction items from local restaurants & shops
Live music!
Sweet Cakes & Desserts
*Cash Bar

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pilates Reformer 101

Let's explore Pilates equipment starting off with the Reformer.  This is one of the most common pieces of Pilates used today.  Equipment makes you stronger at the more challenging mat exercises.  The frame resembles a twin bed with horizontal springs used for full body resistance.  Springs help to produce long lean muscle.  Utilizing less springs is actually harder to control and requires more stability.   

There are several types of Reformers which can range from wood to metal frames and leather to rope straps. The one pictured at right is a classical Peak brand. Reformer exercises can be done lying down such as in Footwork, sitting as in Hug a Tree, kneeling as in Chest Expansion or standing for Side Splits. You are also able to use props such as a box for Pulling Straps, "jump" board to get your heart pumping, or a pole for posture work in the Short Box series. The versatility of this machine is what makes it so popular with clients.

Workouts on the reformer focus on strength results for more visible tone in your arms, legs and abdominal muscles. You also work on endurance, moving with grace, stability in a variety of different positions and assisted stretching. With over 100 exercises possibilities, each session can vary to fit the individual.  Try a Reformer session today and see the difference in as little as 10 sessions!